Question of the Week

I've been a Cat owner since Twix entered my life six years ago. Since then my life has changed so much. Even though she is no longer with me, the impacts she had on my life still exist today. Even Preston has had an impact on me. I think it goes without saying that everyone should own a cat (or dog). Animals open up a part of our heart that no one else can. I know Twix & Preston have!

Twix was my inspiration for The Kitties' Club. My love for her (and for TKC) has grown so much over the last four years that it has now inspired me to perhaps turn TKC in a direction that will one day help pets in need. It is only a dream at the moment but one I hope to turn into reality one day.

So, my question for this week is ...

How has your cat(s) impacted your life? And Who?

Comment below!

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